Examination schedule 4yrs Bachelor Level Third year 2078
Tribhuwan University, Exam Control Office Balkhu has announced an exam schedule for 4Yrs Bachelor Level Third year for B.Ed, B.SC and B.B.S students. Students should fill correct subject and code, if code and subject don’t match than TU exam control office will not be responsible
Students who are involved in this program of 4Yrs Bachelor Level Third year exam should enter form according to rule and pay determine form till the end of 2078 falgun. All the forms should be submitted to Exam Control Office by 2078 chaitra 3.
There is no other management for those students who are absent.
If there is a sudden holiday without TU note exam will not be postponed.
Students whose subjects are not listed in routine or exam dates collide should inform within seven days else exam as the given program.
For a practical exam contact your college.
Within one month after theoretical exam practical exam makes should be submitted by college to related office.
Log table, graph paper, chart that are needed during exam students should manage by themself.
Mobile, smartwatch, Bluetooth, digital dairy are not allowed in exam hall.
Exam form should be filled according to the rule of TU and syllabus else college and students are responsible themself.
Students should give exam in fixed exam center else exam will be canceled.
Students should follow the health standard of Nepal government in exam center. In case of covid infected students they are kept in different room. For this they have to bring report(within 72 hours) from the official laboratory.